30 July 2008

We're off to Reno - the capital of Polynesian dancing in case you weren't aware (right after Modesto and San Jose.....ritzy, huh?) - for a hula competition. Here are the girls rehearsing...I'd load the video but we wouldn't want any competitors to see their dance ahead of time! We're going to spend a couple of days in Tahoe afterwards.....so seeya next week!

23 July 2008

This is the sign that greeted me on Si's door when I went upstairs to check on her after she stomped up to her room. You have to understand that my room happens to be right next to her room.....you know....right where the arrow is pointing. Fortunately I had waited long enough that by the time I got up there, ignored the sign, and walked in, she had calmed down and let me know that "I just needed some alone time."

The next morning I woke up and found this on her door:

In case you can't read it.....it lists "snugel" hours (which is snuggle to you and me). I partook of the offer.

Another day I found this on Ry's door:

Unfortunately, the next morning I found no addendum, but I was allowed entry. Later that day, I needed a little time and space from their shenanigans....so I promptly removed the sign from Ry's room, put it on my doorknob, and crawled in bed with a book for about 30 minutes. The sad part is that no one ever even saw it. They were too busy playing with each other to notice....sigh....

What good is a tantrum if there's no one there to witness it - even if it's a silent tantrum thrown via door signs? I need to refine my methods......

18 July 2008

Conversation with a 9-year-old boy about shoes:

Me: Would you like some new shoes to replace the ones you've worn into the ground?

He: Sure!

Me: New Keens?

He: Sure!

Me: Here are the colors....what color would you like?

He: Any color!

Me: How about this one?

He: Sure!

(Tries on shoes)

photo credit: fashionrat.com/from-thongs-to-flip-flops

Me: How are they?

He: Great!

Me: Do you want to buy them?

He: Yeah!

Conversation with an 8-year-old girl about shoes:

She: I want some new tennis shoes!

Me: You have tennis shoes....how about something like this?

She: (spying brother trying on new Keens because he has literally worn a hole through them) I want some new Keens!

Me: You have Keens. They fit perfectly fine. You like the color. You never wear them.

She: Look at these flip flops!

Me: You have flip flops......two pair. You need something nicer than Keens, flip flops and tennis shoes. How about these?

She: Well..... (puts back on shelf).

Me: Okay, well, there's not really anything else here.

She: (picking shoe back up off shelf) I want to try this one on!

(Tries on shoes)

She: They're really tight.

Me: Try on the next size.

(Tries on next size)

She: They're really tight.

Me: Try on the next size.

(Tries on next size)

She: They fit!

Me (putting full finger between heel of girl and heel of shoe): They're too big.

She: But I want new shoes!

And on and on and on and on for every single pair of shoes we have ever looked for. And even when they are pronounced fitting, they come home, get worn once, then suddenly "hurt my heel," "hurt between my toes," or "are too tight." So if you happen on us at a very formal occasion, and one of us is wearing flip flops, you'll know why.

13 July 2008

And here are the Jetz. Enjoy!

11 July 2008

Girls Rock! Check out this video and see if you know who that girl is in the green shirt playing the drums? Hint: she's in a band called the Jetz, she's friends with the guitarest they interview named Allison (who is also in the Jetz), and you may just know her. To read more, you can hit this link to the article from whence the video came. Bottom of the Hill here we come!

09 July 2008

I'm completely infatuated with creating a new space for projects. Projects being sewing or whatever thing I happen to be obsessing over in the moment. For many years I've being eyeing the space in our backyard that is currently occupied by the chessboard (young Ry and Si, huh?), because it's a nice square that would be a perfect location. It needs to have electricity....but plumbing is not really necessary, although that would be nice. This all started a few years back when I spied what looked to be the perfect type of shed/office/whatever room in a Sunset magazine. Of course, the owners had had it built and it was great. Now, prefab is all the rage. The top photo Kithaus actually comes pre-wired, and you can call about a solar option. Of all the prefabs out right now, it seems to be the most ready-to-go. You can also take a look at options by Modern Cabana (photo right below chess), as well as Modern-Shed (photo below right). If you've got the contacts, cash, and time, you could definitely go the architect-designed route, as is often highlighted in Sunset. Or half the time the ingenious owner spent a weekend and put it together....how does that happen? And if you want to take another approach altogether, the Yurt option isn't half bad! You'll just have a circular space.....and the outlet must go in the floor? Sigh.....I'll just have to dream about this space.